Sunday 28 October 2012


I was born June 29, 1960 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Stamford. Went to the following schools, Rogers, Stark, Dolan, Stamford High and Sacred Heart University. Grew up Roman Catholic(St. Mary's and St. Maurice) and got saved in July of 1991. Started out Assembly of God, then Baptist, then Salvation Army, and have returned to the Baptist church. I have studied the Bible at Liberty University, Andersonville Baptist Seminary, Koinonia Institute, Frontline Bible Institute (run by Landmark Baptist Church Stamford, Ct.). I attended Landmark Baptist in Stamford, Ct, and Lighthouse Baptist as well as Community Baptist in Norwalk, Ct. As mentioned I started out at an Assembly of God church in North Stamford who subscribed to Looney Toon doctrine. However a wonderful lady attended that church who was loving, kind and beautiful, Donna Sumner whom I will never forget.I will add to my bio from time to time. This blog will contain stories of growing up in Stamford (Glenbrook), Ct. Comments on The Bible, Music, Books, T.V., Politics, Food, friends and family. If you know me and were friend or foe, say hello.